Coins during 1920s

          Some factors that determine the value of currencies :

*******Metal of the coin: Many ancient coins were minted from precious metals and these coins proved to be more valuable than others.

*****Demand for currency: Rare coins are always in high demand.

 *** Currency Design: The currency design also carries some importance when determining the value of the currency.

      Some example of coins during 1920s
USA coin

 usa 1cent  1925

Year                          1925

Period of introduction  1909-1942

Country                       USA

Value                       1cents

Metal                      Bronze

Description     IN GOD WE TRUST ; LIBERTY

Coin alignment             180°
France coin


   France coin 1 franc 1923

Year                                 1923

Period of introduction   1920-1927

Country                       France

Value                           1Franc

Metal                   Aluminum-Bronze

Description     1 FRANC ;BON POUR ; CHAMBRES DE

Coin alignment             180°

Morocco coin

 Morocco 25centimes 1921

Year                             1921

Period of introduction   1921-1924

Country                           Morocco

Value                     25centimes 

Metal                   Copper-Nickel

Description                الدولة المغربية

Coin alignment             

                  *** Some example of coins during 1950s ****
                          *** Some example of coins during 1960s ****
                                *** Someexample of coins during 1970s ****
                                        *** Some example of coins during 1980s ****
                                                   *** Some example of coins during1990s ****

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